Detoxification in Animal Husbandry
The adsorption qualities of Biochar permit a wide range of toxic substances to be bound in the gastrointestinal tract. They also lead to the detoxification of already resorbed toxins.
Storm Water Management
Bioretention swale with Biochar helps in removing heavy metal and other contaminants which are found in polluted rainwater. It is used to filter the surface water runoff from motorways.
Fish Farming
Ammonia reduction in aquaculture pond results in lower mortality rate and increase production
Odor Control
Removal of undesirable odor and air purification in chemical industries, inhabited places, food processing and exhaust systems Filtration in HVAC’s odour and gaseous pollution that occurs in establishments and facilities
Poultry Feed Additive
Longer laying period for hens, increase laying rate and egg weight Reduction in the offensive smell of dung Aids in digestion as well as absorbing certain microbes and their toxins …
Rooftop Gardening
Reduce rainwater run off Filter pollutants and CO2 in air at the same time Provides insulation and lower down temperatures